Books for Kids

An irregularly updated review of current and classic children's literature.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Suki's Kimono by Chieri Uegaki, illustrated by Stephane Jorisch

This is a fun story about choosing one's own path in life. Suki decides to wear the brand new kimono given by her grandmother for the first day of the new school year. Her older and "cooler" sisters try to dissuade her. Suki sticks to her decision but faces teasing from her fellow students. In the end the other students decide that Suki is "cool". This is a good story for early elementary students who are having trouble dealing with peer pressure. It is also a good story about families.

The illustrations do an excellent job of showing Suki's movement and emotions. It is a beautiful book to look at.

Ages 5-9

I recommend this book.


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