Books for Kids

An irregularly updated review of current and classic children's literature.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The Most Magnificent Mosque by Ann Jungman, illustrated by Shelley Fowles

This book tells the story of three boys, Rashid (a Muslim), Samuel, (a Jew), and Miguel (a Christian) and how they used to play and cause trouble in the courtyards of the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain. The boys get older but reunite when a new King is about to tear down the Great Mosque, and replace it with a Catholic Cathedral. The three men are able to show how the Mosque was important to the entire community.

This is a good book for introducing diversity and showing how different faiths can work together for the common good. I loved Fowles' illustrations they do an excellent job of showing the beauty of the Spanish mosques.

Ages 6 to 10.


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