Books for Kids

An irregularly updated review of current and classic children's literature.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Dog Who Cried Wolf by Keiko Kasza

The Dog Who Cried Wolf is a cute story with lots of funny illustrations by Keiko Kasza. Moka is a dog sick of being dressed and having pretend tea parties. One day his owner Michelle reads to him a book about wolves. Moka dreams about the freedom that would come from being wolf. He runs away to become a wolf and quickly realizes that he doesn't have the necessary skills to survive in the wild.

Ages: 3-7
Keywords: Dogs, Pets, Wolves, Freedom, Imagination, Reading


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Used with students in Kthrough3rd in preparation for an author visit with Keiko Kasza. All students loved being able to howl like a wolf & predict what Moka would do next. Lots of snickering when we read that Moka gets to pee where he wants to when he's out in the wild but then he gets to do lots of other things too.
A sure winner!
Cathy Bonnell
Phoenix, AZ

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this book with us.

11:37 AM  

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