Books for Kids

An irregularly updated review of current and classic children's literature.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

So Say The Little Monkeys by Nancy Van Laan, illustrated by Yumi Heo

So Say the Little Monkeys is a retelling of a Brazilian folk tale that explains why "blackmouth" monkeys do not make homes, and instead live in thorny palm trees. This is a fun read aloud book, because of the use of lots of repetitious sounds such as "jibba, jibba, jabba". This is the story of a group of monkeys who would rather play all day than work. Yumi Heo's illustrations are simplistic, yet full of colorful detail at the same time. This is a great read for those who enjoy folk tales from around the world.

Ages: 3 to 7
Keywords: Folk Tales, Brazil, Monkeys, Work, Play

Lesson Plan Idea
: Write your own folk tale that explains why your favorite animal lives where it does.

Note: I usually include a link to the books I review at Powell's Books, but they did not have this particular book in stock.


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