Books for Kids

An irregularly updated review of current and classic children's literature.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Dear Dumb Dairy by Jim Benton

Well this is goofy, I'm a 36-year old man reviewing a book written by another man which is actually the diary of middle school aged girl. Well here goes. This was a hilarious fast read. Benton gets a good grip on adolescent paranoia about their world.

This book deals with jealousy of the "perfect girl", trying to avoid being nick-named, having your dog really eat your homework, having a best friend who is in need of a new signature lip gloss flavor, and many more of life's problems. The writing does draw you in, because you want to see what the next mess is that Jamie create for herself. The pages are also filled with comical illustrations, including possible hairstyles for Medusa (lots of ways she could have worn those snakes).

The book is aimed at ages 9-12, but I think it will mainly appeal to the younger ones of that age range. More books are on their way in this series, which I am sure will quickly become a hit.


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